Dust the gold off you fingers, mate.

Monday, April 19, 2010

Pinkie Swear

Einstein proved that it's all relative,
built the A-bomb and made energy square,
while Genesis teaches that we're all relatives,
and that loving thy neighbors a burden to bear.
Well I've got more than just two cents to spare
what makes this big blue world spin madly
So here's my conclusion, my lifetime prayer:
Come on, sister, you gotta let down your hair!
take a deep breath, unswallow your pride
and tip your ear to the new groove out there.
Loosen up! and shake those hips side to side
to the single beating heart for all to share.
Cuz' I think we
can all agree
that the human race has been goin' crazy
just bruising our tongues and livin' lazy
So let's make like Tom and fool around
Because for seven days of work,
God made us a darn' good ol' playground.

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